
A potion brewing game about a witch trying to brew up her own business!

This is the tale of a witch trying to make her way in a time where witches weren't welcome. You play as Alice, a witch who has appeared to have been sent back in time. You must make the most of your new life by brewing potions and building your business!

Created by: 

Ashley Thong

Christian Amores

Christopher Budd

Laiba Zahid

Logan Desormo

Stefan Ciausu

Created for DATT 2310 (Lab 01) - Winter 2023 - York University

All Credits for Assets Used -https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_ZVIny0h1pJLApjDsKZOYXlzGbiVuDbrvTBMu4V1fjs/...


WhichCraft.zip 34 MB